Zigly Foundation

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Our Story:

Zigly Foundation emerged from a deep-seated commitment to address the gaps in pet parenting practices in India. Our Founder, Yamini Kumar, is not only a leader but a devoted pet parent herself. Her journey began with a keen observation of the prevailing lack of good pet parenting practices in India. Recognizing the prevalent lack of responsible care for pets, Zigly was founded with a mission to pioneer positive pet parenting. Our story is one of observation evolving into action, driven by the collective passion of individuals dedicated to improving the lives of pets in our community.

Mission and Vision:

Mission: Our mission at Zigly Foundation is to bring attention to the issue of pet neglect and elevate pet parenting standards across India. We are dedicated to fostering a culture where every pet receives the care and consideration they deserve. Through advocacy and initiatives, we aim to empower pet parents to provide a loving and informed environment for their furry companions.
Vision: Zigly Foundation envisions a future where pets in India find safe spaces. We aspire to create a society where responsible pet parenting is ingrained, leading to the well-being of pets becoming a shared responsibility.